Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Rough Poster Idea

Here's the basic concept I'm going for with my poster.  I realize it's a bit sparse but I'm hoping others in the class will be willing to help me flesh it out.

I was inspired to create this poster because of the political rhetoric that tends to surround any kind of social justice action.  I get very frustrated when things like marriage equality or equal pay are referred to as part of the "homosexual agenda" or the "feminist agenda."  Why does equal rights for everyone have to sound like an evil plot?


  1. very good and simple question, "Why does equal rights for everyone have to sound like an evil plot?"
    any answers from you guys???

    Evil makes me think of demonic, of classical ideas of good and ... yes evil. Deep evil, like psychological, sublimated, impossible to eradicate stains.. (I Have a convoluted thought about it- which is that "everyone" is freaking scary concept.. in other words we do not know enough of our own selves let alone have an idea of what others might do.. Like the same people who promulgate this fear do really creepy things in their own families (we hear about it.. it comes out.. think of Gingrich for example...), so they might figure that "everyone" is even more effed up and creepier than they are?) I said it was convoluted.

  2. i think a lot of little people on it would help... too
