Here is a 1911 poster that provides a visual interpretation of the capitalist economic system. Capitalism sustains itself, in large measure, by "naturalizing" itself; by convincing us that it is the natural order of the world. The pyramids attempt to illustrate the all-too-human hierarchy that this system rests upon, and invite us to imagine the possibility of knocking the whole edifice over.
For the artist a description of the poster, click here.
Below is an attempt at updating the poster for today. Capitalism has undergone significant changes in the last century, but the basic structure of exploitation, domination, and suppression of revolt has persisted. It was produced by Crimethinc. ex-workers collective. Their website has a number of other posters and written works that are very influential in contemporary anarchist circles.

There's also this darling webcomic from nataliedee.com:
link to the spider comic