A. Making a poster assignment/ deadlines
B. Making a poster guidelines
C. Short presentation next week

A. Making a poster assignment/ deadlines

A movement poster is an extension of your voice.
Posted on walls, bulletin boards, or published in a publication, it can be a call out to those who feel the same as you but are isolated.
It states your solidarity with others who might not know you are behind them (more power to children over their own lives)
It can be a place where strong ideas and things that are not being said can be blared out. (the student debt #, # of people in poverty etc)
It can be an anonymous place to state objections to the standing order or received ideas. (women are not objects) (black is beautiful)

Create a reproducible movement poster that communicates a CLEAR idea of objection or affinity or a CLEAR call to other people, or to create action.
It must be able to communicate a message without you being there to explain it.
Clarity thus is two fold: the message is clear. and the design appropriately carries the message. (or integrates with it)
There should be a synergy between design and message. When you browse posters online and in the blog, look for that, and start to
reason it through for yourself (and please put notes on the blog).
we will also discuss how to get this in class. next week. and in workshops.

Deadlines to reach for.
a) this weekend: browse posters again,(Please share your finds by posting them) find inspirations (voice, color, form, message)
MAKE NOTES. MAKE INITIAL scribbles, and then SKETCHES (at least 3).
They can be on any paper, with any drawing implement. dont wait for the busy school week to get your head around it. Try ONE experiment, such as TRACING an image from the newspaper, or copying a poster you really like from online or your memory -> onto a piece of paper.
YOu can also save scraps from ads, newspaper images, ephemera to scan and include. check out the LBJ poster on the cuban site.

b) next week: solidify at least 2 design IDEAS- preferably 3 or more. You might not know how to make them yet.
They can use existing photos online or images and objects that can be scanned. They can be entirely graphic- text, image, shape, color.
Fill yourself up with ideas from online and the world so you are overflowing.

c) Try to attend a workshop to extend your existing skills and to get feedback. BEFORE thursday
Write me that you are coming. I will not be hanging in lab in case people show up.
It would also be useful to have a simple meeting around your idea, and think it thru together.

d) if your experience with Photoshop is rudimentary, or if you do not understand the difference between photoshop and ILlustrator, read
Chapter 1 in this instructional website, Digital Foundations (LINKED HERE) and do ANY of the exercises in chapters 1-11.
they are fun, easy tutorials, with clear instructions.

Workshops with my availability for instruction and meetings:
Tuesday from 11-2:30, 6:30-8 pm.
Tuesday 3:30-6:30 is a class you can attend if you want instruction in ILlustrator. in the same classroom we use, 9A
(Illustrator is good for something like cuban posters- flat planes of color, clean design, outlines, and strong text design)

Wednesday 1:00-2, 4-6
thursday by appt. write me. many hours are open.
I will post these hours and of Krista on the blog.

d) Due dates. come into class next week with several ideas- if we have already met, you will be farther along.
There will be a short presentation on 60s movements which will be focused through poster examples.
Some of class period will be given to instruction, especially to solve problems and make examples, and to go over protocol for saving and compressing.

By end of class, your ideas should be clarified, the design figured out, and your poster started (and maybe completed)
By end of class, you might have more work to do, and you can take until FEB 14 to entirely complete- and deliver to me in the Server or as email.

B. Making a poster guidelines

1. Look at the posters you have selected, and also browse what is on the blog.
Think about the messages you want to promote. You do not have to be original in your message.
Likewise you can appropriate existing ideas and designs. This is about getting your feet wet.
Influences are good.
For message ideas, if you are stuck, look at the telegraphic hand written messages in press and photos of protests you have
seen (including our own strike, and OWS). You can appropriate one of these, and design it into a nice printed poster.

2. The image MUST BE reproducible.
Hand drawn is ok, if it can be reproduced in color.
If you have no experience with working digitally this is a good way to get some support.

3. Size 11x17. This is a standard paper and printing size for reproduction in the United States and other nations. If you send this file in the mail, someone can print it and get much the same result as you got.

4. For method of working, see above.

5. Final file should have a minimum resolution of 200 dots per inch (dpi), so as to be printable.
If you are using images from the interwebs, follow these guidelines to get images that have high resolution -- (to avoid pixelation)
Select a large size image from the web, and look at its pixel dimensions.

6. If you are going to email it to me, I will give you instructions on how to compress it in class next week.

C. Short presentation next week

Would anyone like to do their short presentation on any 60s thru 80s movement next week, with a concentration on their graphic production?
I would support you in getting the material together. 15 minutes is adequate time. This could include more on Emory Douglas and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, feminism, women's reproductive health, the May 1968 French strike (hundreds of posters were created for mass distribution) and the Situationists, third world liberation movements, SNCC, March on Poverty, Cultural Revolution (In PRC), SDS, black power, student rebellions, beginning environmental movement, anti-nuclear movement, and so forth. Does not have to be based in US.

for a survey on some movements from 60s as seen in the signs of change exhibition, see this short reading:

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